Did You Budget?
This tool was created with one thing in mind - simplicity. I’ve used excel to manage my bills for years and I just wasn’t satisfied. I’ve also used budgeting tools like Every Dollar and Mint. None of them did what I wanted it to do. They all had the bells and whistles minus the actual functionality I wanted. Excel was close, but still wasn’t an actual tool that did what I wanted. So, I decided to make it myself. No bells, no whistles, just a simple budgeting app.
Here's really what I wanted
Here’s what I wanted:
- I wanted an app that I could add all of my bills to.
- I wanted to be able to add a frequency to those bills (weekly, monthly, quarterly…etc)
- I wanted the bills to automatically reoccur after they were marked as paid
- I wanted to be able to choose the window of time and for the app to automatically show the bills within that window
- I wanted the app to subtract the total of those bills from whats currently in my account. Lastly, I wanted it to tell me how much was left over.
Big budgeting companies sell you on all these features that are overwhelming. At then end of the day, we just want to know how much money we have left over.
Who is the app for?
Obviously, it’s not for every one. But if you have been through Financial Peace and are doing the snowball method then this might a good tool for you. Mostly, it’s important for people that want/are budgeting.
How this tool works best for me:
- Every single dollar that you earn needs to be budgeted. That means all bills must be accounted for in the app. Budget your spending money by taking out cash or by opening a sub account for you and your spouse that you can move your lunch, blow and gas money into (you can then swipe until your budget is gone without putting your primary account in jeopardy).
- Your primary bank account should only be reoccurring bills. It makes knowing what’s left over much more accurate.
- Have a plan for your extra money. Put it in savings, pay off debt, save for a trip. Just have a plan. Don’t spend it because you got it.