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How to use DYB

As I run into snags while using this tool, I will periodically release updates. But as it stands, here's a somewhat comprehensive list of "how to's" on using this tool

How to get started

  1. Get a list of every single reoccurring bill.
  2. Write down the name, frequency (monthly, quarterly, yearly…etc), cost (or average cost…e.g gas, electric…etc), when it’s due next
  3. If you haven’t already, create an account.
  4. Login to your account

Updating your summary

  1. On the top left, add how much is currently in your account
  2. Below that, choose your bill start date and bill end date. Typically you want your end date to be when you get paid next.
  3. Click “Update Summary”
  4. Your Summary section should now be updated. Next we need to add bills

Adding bills

  1. Grab your list of bills
  2. At the top of the screen, add each bill one by one starting with name, frequency, bill cost and next due date.
  3. You should now see an updated summary and how much money should be left over at the end of your bill window.

Marking bills as paid

  1. Check your bank account from time to time and see how much is in your account and what bills have been paid. Then update the app with what’s in your account.
  2. To mark it paid in the app, click the circle to the left of your bill name.
  3. It will ask you to confirm. Click “Ok” to mark it as paid and it will then move that bill to the next due date based on your frequency (monthly, quarterly…etc).
  4. Click cancel to obviously cancel marking it as paid.
  5. Note: there currently isn’t a way to unmark something as paid. So be sure it’s paid.
  6. If you accidentally mark it as paid: then you can create a “one time” frequency bill to serve in it’s place until the next pay period.

Removing a bill

  1. On the far right of all your bills, it says “remove bill”. If a bill is paid off or no longer relevant, or needs updated you can remove the bill. Click “remove bill” and it will ask you to confirm. It will then be completely deleted from you app.
  2. Editing a bill
  3. Currently you can edit the cost of a bill. I haven't had a need for a feature to update other details yet. But that still may come.
  4. To edit a current bill cost, just click the cost, put your new amount in and hit enter